Friday, March 12, 2010

Higher Dosage

It's been a while since I've posted, but I have some encouraging news for people interested in using Pagoclone in the medical treatment of stuttering.

I have been on the higher dosage (.60mg) for about a month and half now, and my speech is noticeably better.

I am still stuttering, but my blocks are less intense and less frequent. I also feel like my baseline stress level has fallen, as the tension in my throat is noticeable by its absence.

I've even been in some extremely high pressure situations (well, high pressure for me, anyway) and I've been able to retain my composure and speak more fluently than I would have before using Pagoclone.

Side effects? I really haven't noticed any.

I am not touting this as a "cure for stuttering" by any means, but I do believe Pagoclone is helping me manage my speech, and I'm encouraged by the results so far.


  1. Thanks for the update. I have previously posted on your blog. My stuttering is pretty severe. My experience is very similar to yours. It’s not a cure but it does decrease the severity for me. I still stutter but less. I feel like I have more control over my speech. It has helped with giving presentations at work. People at my work know me and are used to my stuttering, but the thing I find with presentations is that no matter how patient your audience is, above a certain threshold of severity stuttering becomes very detracting to the points you are trying to make. The pagoclone pushes me below that threshold, so although I still stutter while giving presentations, it is significantly less and the message of the presentation comes across to the audience. I haven’t noticed any major side effects, mostly minor effects like a mild temporary feeling of heaviness in my legs after I take it and perhaps some sexual side effects, not bad ones, that I can’t go into.

  2. Thanks for the update!
    Is there 60 mg on one day?
    How much months planned for this phase?

    best greetings

  3. [anon] Thanks for your comments. I absolutely identify with what you're saying about presentations - I'm having an easier time with that aspect of my work as well. Thanks and good luck!

    [holger] Thanks for asking me to clarify - I should have included this info: I am taking two doses of 0.60 mg per day, for a total of 1.20 mg per day. One in the morning, one at night. I am not sure, but I think the open phase is going for one year. I go back to the research center in a few weeks; I'll ask then and will advise. Thanks again for your comments.

  4. I'm so happy Because Pagoclone is Working :)

    and I hope the tension is disappear soon...

    keep going...


  5. wow, i'd love to have an easier time doing presentations at work/

    how long do you think before Pag comes out finally?

  6. please i would like to know if pagoclone is available in south africa or any other country..
    i would also like to know if a stuterer can just buy the pagoaclone and start taking it, or he has to do that at the hopsital...please i need help, my stuterring is severe..

  7. my boyfriend is in the pagoclone trial as well--
    for the blind portion no effect, small doses no effect, increased dose... a good effect! One day his speech got worse and he was frustrasted, then we noticed his missed dose on the counter...
