A month ago I went to a medical office in Manhattan to see if I would be a good candidate to participate in a study on the medical treatment of stuttering using a drug called Pagoclone.
I filled out some forms, answered some questionnaires, sat for a videotaping (I had to read out loud and then speak extemporaneously for about five minutes), gave a urine sample (they want to be sure participants aren't taking mood altering drugs, I guess) and that was it. They said they would be in touch. A week or two later, they called to say I would be a good candidate for the study and asked me to return for a follow up.
I went back today, answered more questionnaires, gave another urine sample, had a physical exam and that was it. They gave me three bottles of pills that I will take (in varying doses, according the instructions) for the next two months. There is a chance, of course, that I have the placebo. But I hope, hope, hope I have gotten the real thing. I know it is not a cure - I know the best it can do it to reduce the intensity (and perhaps frequency) of my stuttering. And even if it is Pagoclone and not placebo, maybe it won't do anything at all. Whatever - I'll take what I can get.
These are the pills they gave me:

Kinda freaky looking, huh?
Anyway, I'll start taking them tomorrow (Tuesday, April 28, 2009).
I'll try to post to this blog to keep track of things during this initial two-month trial. This is really just for my own sake, but if anyone happens to stumble across this blog when searching for info on Pagoclone or stuttering, I hope you find this helpful.