Another visit to the medical research company, another questionnaire, another video recording.... and two more bottles of pills.
As I cracked open Bottle 1 (which is really Bottle 4 in total, but Bottle 1 of this, the second 8-week stage of the the first testing phase), the old Husker Du song popped into my mind - could you be the one?
For the next eight weeks, I'll be taking these pills, which may or may not Pagoclone. And my speech may or may not improve. In the video reading yesterday, I was 90% fluent, an exceptionally high fluency rate. But back in the office, in my everyday environment, I pick up the phone and ....... Well, it makes no sense at all.
Nothing new to report on the new batch of pills. I still feel some tension in my throat, and my stuttering is only moderately improved, if at all. No side effects at all. I'll post in a week, hopefully with the news that the tension in my throat has diminished - that would be an encouraging development. Will advise.